When you are sorrowful look again in your heart,
and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight.

~ Kahlil Gibran, from"The Prophet"

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Leading By Example

Do you remember when you were in 5th grade and it was your birthday? Wasn't it fun to have a party with all your girlfriends and receive a bunch of cool gifts ~ perhaps some new clothes, a video game, a new CD, or maybe some great-smelling lotions and some bottles of nail polish?

I need to tell you about two young ladies from St Cletus School who recently celebrated their 11th birthdays together.
They hosted a party,
complete with yummy pizza and birthday cake and ice cream.

There were sounds of chatting and giggling,
and a lot of beautiful smiles lit up the room.
Just what you'd expect to find at the usual birthday party.

But... there was something REALLY SPECIAL
about this particular one.
No one brought gifts for the two girls
who were celebrating their birthdays that day.  
You ask ~ Why not?
Well, I am so pleased to share the answer with you!

It's because those young ladies had read my blog post about BRENDAN'S IDEA to collect toys and gift cards for The Pediatric Oncology Treasure Chest Foundation, and after doing so decided to ask their friends to bring gift cards to donate to the Foundation instead of bringing presents.

They understood that there was something more important than receiving fun birthday gifts like those listed above.  Instead of thinking of themselves, they put their own wishes aside and took the time to consider some children who are less fortunate.

I received a beautiful message from these girls ~

"Everyone hopes the cards can provide a little bit of happiness
to kids who deserve all the happiness the world can provide."

Back in June, I wrote a post about Erin HERE, in which I said,

I'm filled with such intense hope that a little piece of her 
is somehow carried forth into everyone she touched, 
through the life she lived for eighteen short years,
before AND with cancer. 
That thought, of her sustained presence in some form, 
settles my heart these days.

And so ~


YOU have settled my heart.
YOU have led by example, which is the best way to make an impact.
YOU have Walked the Walk, and not just talked!
YOUR actions speak to those of us watching.
YOUR kindness, generosity and selflessness is a lesson for all.

I'm so very proud of and deeply grateful to each and every one of YOU.


  1. totally precious and wonderful and inspiring!

  2. Makes me proud to be a CARDINAL!!


  3. Wow, how amazing!! What a special group of girls.


  4. What a blessed and blessing group of girls! Thank you for sharing their inspiring story, and thanks to them! God bless all of you - and Brendan, too!

  5. Dear Mary - I am the mother of one of these young ladies, and I have also lost a sister at the age of 18 years from a medical issue. I want you to know that your thankfulness means as much as what these girls have donated. With a warm heart, many prayers and bright wishes for your family.
